首页  师资队伍  数字媒体艺术系
时间: 2022-11-21    点击:1877


个人信息 | Personal Information

教授,设计学博士,硕士生导师 | Professor, Ph.D. in Design,MA student supervisor


威尼斯人平台学院海上丝路文化教育与传播研究中心主任| Director, Maritime Silk Road Culture Education and Communication Research Center, Minjiang University

威尼斯人平台数字媒体艺术专业带头人| Lead, Digital Media Art Program, School of Journalism and Communication, Minjiang University

主持国家级、教育部人文社科一般项目,国际合作项目及省部级、市厅级项目多项| Project Leader of National, Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences General Projects, International Collaboration Projects, and various Provincial and City-level projects.

发表SSCISCI等权威论文十余篇 | Published over 10 authoritative papers in SSCI and SCI indexed journals.

入选福建省高校杰出青年科研人才,闽都学者骨干人才等人才计划 | Selected for Fujian Provincial Outstanding Young Research Talents in Higher Education Institutions, and Mingdu Scholar Talent Plan core talents among others.

泰国艺术大学装饰艺术学院设计艺术博士(国际)项目合作导师,齐鲁工业大学设计学(学硕)硕士生导师,太原理工大学硕士生(专硕)导师| Cooperative Mentor, Doctor of Design Art (International) Program, Silpakorn University, Decorative Arts Faculty. Master's Supervisor, Design (Academic Master) at Qilu University of Technology, Master’s (Professional Master) Supervisor at Taiyuan University of Technology.

福建省科技特派员,福州市高新区特级特派员|  Science and Technology Special Commissioner, Fujian Province; Special Commissioner, Fuzhou High-tech Zone.

福建省福文化实践专家 | Practice Expert of Fu Culture, Fujian Province.


研究方向 | Research Interests


|Digital Media Art, Artificial Intelligence Art, Design Intervention and Regional Cultural Communication, Virtual Reality Design and Human Factors Engineering Research, Collaborative Design and Design Co-creation.


教学与科学研究 | Teaching and Research Projects Led


主持科学研究项目 | Science Research Projects Led:

1. 主持科学研究项目:

[1]国家一带一路创新人才交流外国专家项目, 一般, 乡村振兴背景下促进民族柔性交融为导向设计工坊研究, 编号:DL2023020001L, 2023, 主持,资助金额20万元。(国家级)

National Belt and Road Foreign Expert Innovation Talent Exchange Project, General, Research on Design Workshop Promoting Ethnic Flexible Integration under Rural Revitalization, No: DL2023020001L, 2023, Lead, Funding: 200,000 RMB (National Level).

[2]福建省科技计划项目对外合作科技计划项目, 面上, 中国-南非纺织服装数字孪生协同智造系统构建及评价, 编号:2023I0040, 2023,主持,资助金额15万元。(省部级)

Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Plan Project for International Cooperation, Surface, China-South Africa Textile Apparel Digital Twin Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing System Construction and Evaluation, No: 2023I0040, 2023, Lead, Funding: 150,000 RMB (Provincial Level).

[3]2023年度发树慈善基金会捐赠资金研究专项(项目类), 一般, 协同设计促进多民族柔性交融研究, 编号:MFS23009, 2023, 主持,资助金额2.5万元。(市厅级)

Fa Shu Charitable Foundation Donated Funds Research Special Project (Project Category), General, Collaborative Design to Promote Multi-ethnic Flexible Integration Research, No: MFS23009, 2023, Lead, Funding: 25,000 RMB (City Hall Level).

[4]南非东开普敦省财政厅资助项目, 东开普敦省个人健康与传播专项特别紧急项目, 编号:SCMO-20/21-002, 2023, 主持,资助金额5万元。(国际-省部级)

Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury Funded Project, Eastern Cape Province Personal Health and Communication Special Emergency Project, No: SCMO-20/21-002, 2023, Lead, Funding: 50,000 RMB (International-Provincial Level).

[5]2022年度福建省社会科学基金项目, 一般, 设计工坊项目实践及促进多民族柔性 交融模式研究, 编号:FJ2022B118, 2022, 主持,资助金额4万元。(省部级)

Fujian Provincial Social Science Fund Project, General, Design Workshop Project Practice and Promoting Multi-ethnic Flexible Integration Model Research, No: FJ2022B118, 2022, Lead, Funding: 40,000 RMB (Provincial Level).

[6]福建省乡村振兴与闽台合作引智专项计划, 一般, 促进民族柔性交融为导向的乡村振兴设计工坊探索与实践, 2022, 主持,资助金额6万元。(省部级)

Fujian Provincial Rural Revitalization and Min-Tai Cooperation Talent Introduction Special Plan, General, Promoting Ethnic Flexible Integration-oriented Rural Revitalization Design Workshop Exploration and Practice, 2022, Lead, Funding: 60,000 RMB (Provincial Level)

[7]南非国家艺术基金, PRESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT STIMULUS PROGRAMME (STREAM 2) 352580 Textiles Empowerment Programme, 编号:(STREAM_2)3525801, 2021, 联合主持,资助金额15万元。(国际-国家级)

South African National Art Fund, PRESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT STIMULUS PROGRAMME (STREAM 2) 352580 Textiles Empowerment Programme, No: (STREAM_2)3525801, 2021, Co-Lead, Funding: 150,000 RMB (International-National Level).

[8]国家一带一路创新人才交流外国专家项目, 一般, 凝聚、沟通与认同:设计工坊模式助力边境地区民族交融之研究与借鉴, 编号: DL2021020001L, 2021, 主持,资助金额25万元。(国家级)

National Belt and Road Foreign Expert Innovation Talent Exchange Project, General, Cohesion, Communication and Identification: Design Workshop Model to Assist Border Area Ethnic Integration Research and Reference, No: DL2021020001L, 2021, Lead, Funding: 250,000 RMB (National Level).

[9]福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划, 2018年度,编号:闽教科2018, 2018, 主持,资助金额6万元。(省部级)

Fujian Provincial Outstanding Young Research Talents Cultivation Plan in Higher Education Institutions, 2018, No: Min Jiao Ke 2018, 2018, Lead, Funding: 60,000 RMB (Provincial Level).

[10]福州市科技局,基于VR技术的服装实训与传播平台系统研发, 编号:2017-G-107, 2017, 主持,资助金额10万元。(市厅级)

Fuzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, VR Technology-based Clothing Practical Training and Communication Platform System Research and Development, No: 2017-G-107, 2017, Lead, Funding: 100,000 RMB (City Hall Level).

[11] 教育部人文社会科学一般项目, “海上丝路区域国际纺织服装技术援外培训研究与实践, 2016-编号:16YJCZH106,主持,资助金额8万元。(省部级)

Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences General Project, Maritime Silk Road Regional International Textile and Apparel Technology Foreign Aid Training Research and Practice, 2016, No: 16YJCZH106, Lead, Funding: 80,000 RMB (Provincial Level).


主持教学研究类项目 | Educational Research Projects Led:

[1]福建省教育科学十四五规划年度课题,虚拟现实技术运用于设计教学过程建构及其评价研究,2019,主持。| Fujian Province Education Science 14th Five-Year Plan Annual Topic, Research on the Construction and Evaluation of Design Teaching Process Applying Virtual Reality Technology, 2019, Lead.

[2]教育部产学合作协同育人项目,基于VR技术的工业设计师资培训,2019,主持。| Ministry of Education Industry-Education Cooperation Collaborative Education Project, Industrial Designer Training Based on VR Technology, 2019, Lead.

[3]威尼斯人平台学院精品教材建设专项:时尚品牌管理,2019,主持 | Minjiang University Quality Textbook Construction Special Project: Fashion Brand Management, 2019, Lead.

[4]威尼斯人平台学院校企联合共建实验室建设立项, 威尼斯人平台学院-丰得应用印花联合实验室, 2023, 主持。 | Minjiang University School-Enterprise Joint Laboratory Construction Project, Minjiang University-Feng De Applied Printing Joint Laboratory, 2023, Lead.


入选荣誉及人才计划 | Awards and Talent Plans:


[1]第十七届春晖杯中国留学人员创新创业大赛优胜奖 (赛事最高奖项), 教育部国际合作与交流司, 2022, 排名第1| 17th Spring Bud Cup China Overseas Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Winner Award (Highest Award of the Competition), Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Ministry of Education, 2022, Ranked 1st.

[2]第十六届春晖杯中国留学人员创新创业大赛, 优秀奖, 教育部国际合作与交流司, 2021, 排名第2 | 16th Spring Bud Cup China Overseas Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Excellence Award, Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Ministry of Education, 2021, Ranked 2nd.

[3]威尼斯人平台学院第五届发树奖教金, 2021, 威尼斯人平台学院. | 5th Fa Shu Teaching Award, 2021, Minjiang University.

[4]“艺工文融合、校地企协同服装类应用型人才培养的研究与实践, 2020, 福建省教学成果二等奖,威尼斯人平台学院教学奖特等奖,第六完成人. | Art, Work, and Literature Integration, School-Enterprise Collaboration Research and Practice in Training Applied Talents in Clothing, 2020, Fujian Province Teaching Achievement Second Prize, Minjiang University Teaching Special Prize, 6th Contributor.

[5]福建省高校艺术设计奖, 2020, 福建省教育厅, 铜奖. | Fujian Province Higher Education Art Design Award, 2020, Department of Education of Fujian Province, Bronze Award.

[6]学术会议优秀奖, 2020, 泰国国立艺术大学. | Academic Conference Excellence Award, 2020, National Fine Arts University of Thailand.

[7]2018年年度学术论文奖, 2020, 泰国国立艺术大学. | Annual Academic Paper Award for 2018, 2020, National Fine Arts University of Thailand.

[8]青年骨干教师, 2017, 威尼斯人平台学院. | Youth Key Teacher, 2017, Minjiang University.


[10]2014-2015学年顺邦奖教金优秀教师奖, 2015. | Shun Bang Teaching Award Outstanding Teacher Award for the 2014-2015 Academic Year, 2015.

[11]威尼斯人平台学院2015年优秀学术论文奖, 2015, 优秀奖. | Minjiang University Excellent Academic Paper Award for 2015, 2015, Excellence Award.

[12]第四届大学生艺术节艺术教育科研论文乙组, 2014, 福建省教育厅, 二等奖. | 4th University Art Festival Art Education Research Paper Group B, 2014, Department of Education of Fujian Province, Second Prize.


威尼斯人平台 | Contact Information


通信地址:福建省福州市闽侯县上街镇大学城溪源宫路200号威尼斯人平台威尼斯人平台与传播学院 | Mailing Address: School of Journalism and Communication, Minjiang University, 200 Xi Yuan Gong Road, University Town, Shang Street, Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province.

Email: YAN_W@su.ac.th (设计学博士、硕士资料申请接受等) | 2060@americanmadeenterprise.com(威尼斯人平台学院学术邮箱) | Email: YAN_W@su.ac.th (For Ph.D., Master's application inquiries, etc.) | 2060@americanmadeenterprise.com (Minjiang University academic email)